The Cross-Overs

Three cross-overs are followed: Price Change Tipping Point, MACD and RSI.

Price Tipping Point. A total of the slope differential of the current closing price to the prices of previous closes. A buy signal occurs when the total goes over zero and a sell goes below.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) I use an optimal value.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) Like the MACD - RSI crossover uses an optimal value.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gold, Mid Caps and SP500 Get Buy Signals

So in the paper account I will be buying Mid Caps(MIDU), SP 500(SPXL), & Gold(UGLD)

Where The Models Presently Stand

SymbolPrevious CallExecute DateCurrent CallExecute Date
ERXBUY2014-04-28**SELLNext Day*
TECLBUYPrevious DaySELLNext Day*
TNASELL2014-04-28**BUYNext Day*
URTYSELL2014-04-24**BUYPrevious Day
* tentative - based on 2:37 PM numbers. ** date prior to model build of 2014-04-29

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Russell and Tech Models To The Bull Side

I'm still fidgeting with the model builder but I could be done...

So in the paper account I will be buying Russell 2000(URTY), Technology(TECL)

Based on the early morning run several buy signals may be possible for tomorrow  with one sell.

Where The Models Presently Stand

SymbolPrevious CallExecute DateCurrent CallExecute Date
ERXBUYPrevious DaySELLNext Day*
MIDUSELL2014-04-25**BUYNext Day*
SPXLSELL2014-04-25**BUYNext Day*
TNABUY2014-04-24**SELLPrevious Day
UGAZBUY2014-04-24**SELLPrevious Day
UGLDSELL2014-04-25**BUYNext Day*
* tentative - based on 11:12 AM numbers. ** date prior to model build of 2014-04-29

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Yet Another Model Rebuild

Due to the fact that I was modifying the model generator prior to the Yahoo data failure and not taking into consideration those modifications I discovered the newly built models for this blog were incorrect.  So this morning the models were rebuilt.  The results are more consistent.

So the paper account has been reset and no activity in that account will be recorded until a new buy signals are generated.

Where The Models Presently Stand

SymbolPrevious CallExecute DateCurrent CallExecute Date
UGLDBUYPrevious DaySELLNext Day 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Reset and Rebuild

It appears the Yahoo Financial corrected its historical database over the past Easter weekend.  So I am going to restart the model reports.

Other changes: the DRN 3X Real Estate is replaced by UGLD - VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN
and RETL 2X Retail is replace by UGAZ - VelocityShares 3x Long Natural Gas ETN

All 10 models are rebuilt and as of today all models are sold.